Data Structure & Algorithm LAB Work


In the laboratory work of the Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) subject, students engage in practical exercises aimed at reinforcing their understanding of fundamental concepts in computer science. These labs provide hands-on experience with various data structures and algorithms, helping students develop problem-solving skills and gain proficiency in implementing efficient solutions.

During the lab sessions, students work on programming assignments that involve designing, implementing, and analyzing data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and hash tables. They also explore various sorting and searching algorithms, such as insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, quicksort, binary search, and breadth-first search.

The lab work emphasizes the importance of algorithmic analysis, evaluating the efficiency and performance of different data structures and algorithms in terms of time complexity, space complexity, and overall scalability. Students learn to assess the trade-offs involved in choosing one approach over another and to identify the most suitable data structure or algorithm for a given problem.

Furthermore, the lab work often involves using programming languages like C, C++, Java, or Python, providing an opportunity for students to practice coding and apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Through debugging, testing, and optimizing their code, students learn valuable skills in problem-solving, logical reasoning, and software development.

Overall, the lab work in the DSA subject plays a crucial role in enhancing students' understanding of data structures and algorithms, fostering their ability to analyze and solve complex computational problems, and preparing them for future endeavors in computer science and related fields.

Lab 1 Objective: To familiar with stack operations ( push operation, pop operation, and traversal operation).

Lab 2 Objective: To familiar with queue operations ( push operation, pop operation, and traversal operation).

Lab 3 Objective: To familiar with circular queue operations ( push operation, pop operation, and traversal operation).

Lab 4 Objective: To familiar with linear liked list operations ( push operation, pop operation, and traversal operation).

Lab 5 Objective: To familiar with circular linked list operations ( push operation, pop operation, and traversal operation).

Lab 6 Objective: To familiar with doubly linked list operations ( push operation, pop operation, and traversal operation).

Lab 7 objective: To familiar with dynamic memory allocation.

Lab 8: To familiar with recursion (factorial of number, Fibonacci series, GCD). For this Program do yourself.


Lab 9 Objective: To familiar with sorting algorithms ( bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, heap sort).

Lab 10 Objective: To familiar with linked list using stack and using Queues .

Lab 11 Objective: To familiar with searching algorithms.

Lab 12 Objective: To familiar with hashing .

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